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ریکارڈنگ بھیجوانے پر ہمارے تحفظات ہیں وزیر تعلیم اور سیکرٹری کو اگاہ کر دیا

پی پی ایل اے کے مرکزی سیکرٹری نے منسٹر ہار ایجوکیشن جناب راجہ یاسر ہمایوں سرفراز اور سیکرٹری ہائر ایجوکیشن کو تحریری طور پر اساتذہ کو نیے ان لائن سسٹم میں مشکلا ت اور دشواریوں سے اگا کر دیا ہے  اور مانٹرنگ کے بارے میں تجاویز پیش کر دی ہیں انہوں نے اس پر بہتری۔ لانے کا وعدہ کیا ئ

Minister for Higher Education.              Govt. of Punjab. Lahore.               Dear sir,                  Please take notice of the following facts: peruse them to revise your hasty decision.                 1. On 15th of June 2020 when COVID- 19 situation became worst:  authorities of Punjab Higher Education, decided to run the system ; by transforming it  to  online classes.   2. In this connection, they issued certain instructions: 3.According to which every teacher will record his/ her  delivered lectures ; and after every fifteen days, he / she will forward  these recorded lectures alongwith his/her timetable to  his/her principal. The principal will draft an integrated  report  of the staff and send it to the Divisional Director for  onward transmission to the competent authority .                4. We think it is not feasible due to some highly valid and potent reasons. Firstly, our teachers are not aware of modern online  techniques of teaching. 5.Imparting training  before delivery was essential which unfortunately was  neglected  by the HEC.                        6.Furthermore the process could not be initiated due to  worst situation of pandemic.              7. We suggest that the HOD in large institutions and the  Principal himself in smaller institutions can be a member of these zoom meetings and check these ongoing classes and after every week or fortnightly send its report to the concerned  authorities.  We request you to please trust the teachers. They will never breach your trust.. So, please direct your subordinates to issue revised instructions, to this effect. Thanking you in anticipation.    yours faithfully. Shafique Khaleel  Butt Secretary General .PPLA

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