بہبود فنڈ کے دفتر سے ہر کسی کو واسطہ پڑتا رہتا ہے اس دفتر کی کارکردگی بارے بہت سی شکایتیں اور سوالات ہیں درخواست کے بارے میں معلومات کہ آیا کوئی اعتراض ہے یا کاغذات درست ہیں کبھی بھی آگاہ نہیں کیا جاتا اب ایسوسی پی پی ایل اے اور دیگر ملازمین کی ایسوسی ایشنوں کی جد و جہد کے نتیجے میں محکمہ نے ایک سافٹ ویئر لانچ کیا ہے جس کی مدد سے آپ اپنے گھر بیٹھے ان لائن اپنی کسی بھی درخواست کا سٹیٹس ان لائن۔ بچوں کے سکالرشپ،بیوہ کی گرانٹس ،الوداعی گرانٹس،بچیوں کی شادی گرانٹس اور تدفین گرانٹس، بڑی آسانی سے معلوم کر سکتے ہیں ذیل میں اس کا طریق کار دیا جا رہا ہے
Now it is very easy to get information of benevolent fund scholarships; monthly grants ;funaral grant. Farewell grant and marriage grant. .For this purpose just click the email address pfms.punjab.gov.pk.switchboard.asp website of Punjab benevolent fund will open in front of you will find a rectangular box asking username and password. Write view only in username and 123456 in password column then press button login again there there will be a rectangular box five options in that scholarship. Monthly grant.marriage grant.funeral grant and farewell grant you will tick any one about which you sent to know you will then find another rectangular box written four options list. Report.search and SMS. If you press search next rectangular box will open name of employees CNٰIC .receipt no.deponent no. Objection no. It is better type your CNIC. Bcoz while writing several similar names may appear and push the button SEARCH. You will find your requisite.Please click on the link given below to find this.
Fund Management System – Login (punjab.gov.pk)
Fund Management System – Login (punjab.gov.pk)

I want to get. Scholarships for study
I’m getting my previous year status….why I’m not getting status of this year???
1-Marriage grant
2-Funerial grant
Bf scholarship 2020-21 punjab govt.
it is very helpful and easy to find
Required plz marriage grant
last year3times result card submit kraya but status me deficency show ho rhi he
Application for scholorship of my son Ammad and Usama out BF was subitted in 2020 .no checque received
BF scholorship status for 2020 my CNIC #31202 -5420836-1
What is meant by STATUS AS AUDITED?
I have submitted 3 times result cardLLLB Part 1 but till not updated now Provincial Obudsman has also directed to resolve the issue on March 24. 2022.
my applicaton ws for the year 20220-21but till pending
Yes it is very informative
Yes it is very informative and nice
I have submitted DMC B. A. But status shows defeciency.
I have submitted DMC B. A. Status shows defecency bf 2021-22
My status show ne ho rha mere bete kA name Noor fatimahe
My id card number 33201- 1359209-3 he
I do bsc 2 year program with 2nd division I can eligible for this my percent is 46%
Reply against status page at sr#06 Asfa Ejaz Defficiency resolved vide latter no ADCD/DGKR/2022/70 dated 11-04-2022
Aoa sir mery Walid sahib fot ho gay hen to monthly grant nai mil rahi 4dfa objection k documents send kr chuka hu pension slip ki copy aur ppo letter please koi help kr dy …..cnic no. 38201-1209383-3
Reply against status page at sr#07 Iqra Ejaz Defficiency resolved vide latter no ADCD/DGKR/2022/71 dated 19-04-2022
Reply against status page at sr#08 kashifa Ejaz Defficiency resolved vide latter no ADCD/DGKR/2022/72 dated 19-04-2022
Reply against status page at sr#08 Kashifa Ejaz Defficiency resolved vide latter no ADCD/DGKR/2022/72 dated 19-04-2022
My online check status is not open from about 6 months ..please tell me the solution
Why i am not getting the status of this year…?
My son Muhammad Raees Deficiency shows not admissible due suplimentary exam. I have already application two times and submitted that due to covid annual exam & suplimentary exam held late combine. Due to this on result card of all candidate written annual/supplimentary. I have already sent letter through proper channel to verify that My son passed M.Com part I in first division in Annual exam. But defficency still shows. Please remove it because i already wrote to your good office again &again to clear it.
My son Muhammad Raees Deficiency shows not admissible due suplimentary exam. I have already application two times and submitted that due to covid annual exam & suplimentary exam held late combine. Due to this on result card of all candidate written annual/supplimentary. I have already sent letter through proper channel to verify that My son passed M.Com part I in first division in Annual exam. But defficency still shows. Please remove it because i already wrote to your good office again &again with documents prove to clear it.
Muhammad Hanif cnic 32103-8865166-1
Mobile 03007321836
I submitted my funeral case in March 2024.Now I check my status but it is not showing any thing.what is problem
I submitted one case of B.F by name Maryam Fatima D/O liaqat ali retired S.S.T from Teh.gojra District T.T.singh on dated 24-4-2022.by mail on dated 20-4-2024.second case of B.F by name Maria Noor D/O liaqat Ali retired S.S.T from Teh.gojra District T.T.singh on dated 24-4-2022.by mail on dated 20-4-2024.still no status show on B.F portal.please took proper action and released B.fund.Thanks
I submitted one case of B.F by name Maryam Fatima D/O liaqat ali retired S.S.T from Teh.gojra District T.T.singh on dated 24-4-2022.by mail on dated 20-4-2024.second case of B.F by name Maria Noor D/O liaqat ali retired S.S.T from Teh.gojra District T.T.singh on dated 20-4-2024.still no status show on B.F portal.please took proper action and released B.fund.Thanks